Tuesday, July 12, 2011

This versus That.......Which One Do I Like The Most

As you all know I am a "neat freak" when it comes to keeping my house all picked up and everything put away in the place where it belongs.  However, as I sit and compare the two pictures below the first one certainly has something missing - although there is a lot of furniture and lots and lots of decorations, pillows, blankets, and yes suitcases (go figure)......there are no live bodies.........

So in saying all that ..... the picture below is definately my favorite ....... now I think we were all supposed to
be watching a movie ....... however if you will observe the bodies in the picture you will see that they are all sleeping ....... for pity sakes (as great grandma Nelson would say) ....... so here's the deal ...... all the Daniels, Sturmans and McMahons are invited to come anytime, as often as you would like ...... cause I am liking the second picture WAY BETTER than the first one ....... no longer important to me to have a neat house with everything in it's place ..... bring on the mess, noise, laughter, fun and fellowship .... oh yes and the food!!!!

Gotta run now cause I'm taking the boat out for a spin - the sun is out and I'm up for a boat ride ....... oh - don't worry - "my" boat is blue and white and it is called a Paddle Boat!!!!!!  Scared ya didn't I - Tee Hee!


  1. I like the second picture better for sure, because that means I am there at the lake....thanks for the GREAT time and for letting us make your house a mess for a few days.

  2. Mess - what mess - I didn't see any mess - all I saw was grandkids having fun and parents relaxing and working and relaxing and working - and grandkids joining in as worker bees - thanks for all you did to keep the lake house looking good!

  3. If you want lessons to drive the other boats we are up for teaching you, otherwise I think it best you stick to the little blue one, ha, ha!

  4. Oh my gosh - you have WAYYYYYYY too much confidence in me! Thanks for the offer, however I think I will feel safer in the little blue paddle boat. If I fall out of the paddle boat I won't have as far to fall!!!! And it wouldn't be spinning around in the lake with the motor running! Can't you just picture that in your mind!!

  5. Man, I wish I was still at the lake watching movies on a raniy day with my favorite 72 year old!

  6. You can come to the lake anytime and stay as long as you want to - I LOVE LOVE being your favorite 72 year old!!!!!
