Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Two Potential "Best Friends" - Did They Make The List?????

Just before leaving for church on  Sunday morning I was putting on my lipstick in the bathroom in the hallway
and I heard this scratching noise up by the window.  I looked up and - OH MY GOSH - there was a chipmonk sitting on the ledge of the window outside the screen!!!!  Okay I'll admit I almost swallowed my tube of lipstick.  I think he thought he could be one of my new best friends if he got "up close and personal"..... however the verdict is still out on him.  I think he knows that because for the last two days I've tried to get a picture of him and he is no where to be found.  Probably because I stomped my foot when I saw him in the window and he now thinks I am a mean ole lady!!!!!
Now this lovely slim trim gal hiding in the bushes, has been hanging around early in the mornings for some time and I'm sure she too would love to be a best friend, however, I'm thinking I need to have a rule in place  - she needs to wear a diaper because I don't like what she is "dropping" in my front yard everytime she comes to visit. 

Now in saying all that - I can understand why all creatures large and small like hanging out at my house - who wouldn't with an early morning view like this.  So, I've been thinking ........ getting up close and personal and diaper or not - I've put the word out ......they  are invited to be on the "best friends" list!!!!!  Three best friends and counting.......maybe the next candidate will be a BEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIKES


  1. This just made me laugh out loud to picture you almost swallowing your lipstick. Crazy how you are able to get such good pictures.

  2. I love being up early in the morning and catching the sunrise over the lake! By the way I spotted the chipmonk early this morning literally jumping from one birdhouse to another in the birdhouse garden. He escaped across the street before I could get my camera. He's happy to be back on the list NBB list :)

  3. oops that was supposed to be NBF list!

  4. So fun to enjoy your friends. Nice that they just listen and do not talk back or disagree or get mad or get their feelings hurt. Putting up with the droppings is worth it. We have twins and a mommy dear on our street nearly everyday lately. So fun to watch them grow. Love the pic of the early morning lake.

  5. Well if you read my comment above to Judy you know the chipmonk is hanging around. I found him on the porch on the lake side crawling around on the birchwood shelves early last evening!!!! He is trying to get to the top of the NBF list :)

  6. What a great sunset picture Grandma!! I am sooo excited to come see you after Ryan's wedding! I havent been to the lake in sooo long! I am praying for nice weather. Oh also I have an interview at church for that job next week so please pray for me! I love you so much! call me whenever....

  7. HI Sweetie - so glad you found your way to my blog - I have been very busy of late so haven't had time for another adventure to post. Will do it soon - I can't wait to see you also - we will have sooooo much fun while you are here - praying for your next interview - how exciting. Luv You - Gam Gam
