Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Another New "Best Friend" Critter

Once again another little critter showed up when I was out moving the hose to water the roadside yard.  I was taking the hose off the holder and saw a movement down in the window well.  And there looking up at me was this little "rusty" looking frog ...... I quickly ran in and got my camera and took a picture of him  - I'm thinking he can be on the "Best Friend" list ....... only if he stays in the window well  :).      So what do you think?????  And you gotta know I will be checking to see if he is where he belongs each  time I go out to move the hose ...... I told him it's against the rules to take up residence on my porch :)
Shhhh - don't tell him how scarey he looks to me!!!!


  1. Keep a good eye on this one. Wouldn't want you to loose anything over this guy, like the Pasadena house, mouse incident....if you know what I mean.

  2. Oh my gosh I am laughing out loud for sure over your comment - wouldn't that just be way too funny for that little critter to jump up on my head and "go for a ride"!!!!! By the way he is setting under the shade of some weeds in the window well - guess I won't be pulling those weeds so he will want to stay there instead of jumping up on my porch or on ME!!!!! :)

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